94 research outputs found

    The foundational legacy of ASL

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    Abstract. We recall the kernel algebraic specification language ASL and outline its main features in the context of the state of research on algebraic specification at the time it was conceived in the early 1980s. We discuss the most significant new ideas in ASL and the influence they had on subsequent developments in the field and on our own work in particular.

    Interpolation Is (Not Always) Easy to Spoil

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    We study a version of the Craig interpolation theorem as formulated in the framework of the theory of institutions. This formulation proved crucial in the development of a number of key results concerning foundations of software specification and formal development. We investigate preservation of interpolation under extensions of institutions by new models and sentences. We point out that some interpolation properties remain stable under such extensions, even if quite arbitrary new models or sentences are permitted. We give complete characterisations of such situations for institution extensions by new models, by new sentences, as well as by new models and sentences, respectively

    Modularizing the Elimination of r=0 in Kleene Algebra

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    Given a universal Horn formula of Kleene algebra with hypotheses of the form r = 0, it is already known that we can efficiently construct an equation which is valid if and only if the Horn formula is valid. This is an example of elimination of hypotheses, which is useful because the equational theory of Kleene algebra is decidable while the universal Horn theory is not. We show that hypotheses of the form r = 0 can still be eliminated in the presence of other hypotheses. This lets us extend any technique for eliminating hypotheses to include hypotheses of the form r = 0

    On Normal Forms for Structured Specifications with Generating Constraints

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    A Kernel Specification Formalism with Higher-Order Parameterisation

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    A specification formalism with parameterisation of an arbitrary order is presented. It is given a denotational-style semantics, accompanied by an inference system for proving that an object satisfies a specification. The inference system incorporates, but is not limited to, a clearly identified type-checking component. Special effort is made to carefully distinguish between parameterised specifications, which denote functions yielding classes of objects, and specifications of parameterised objects, which denote classes of functions yielding objects. To deal with both of these in a uniform framework, it was convenient to view specifications, which specify objects, as objects themselves, and to introduce a notion of a specification of specifications. The formalism includes the basic specification-building operations of the ASL specification language. This choice, however, is orthogonal to the new ideas presented. The formalism is also institution-independent, although this iss..

    The role of logical interpretations on program development

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    Stepwise refinement of algebraic specifications is a well known formal methodology for program development. However, traditional notions of refinement based on signature morphisms are often too rigid to capture a number of relevant transformations in the context of software design, reuse, and adaptation. This paper proposes a new approach to refinement in which signature morphisms are replaced by logical interpretations as a means to witness refinements. The approach is first presented in the context of equational logic, and later generalised to deductive systems of arbitrary dimension. This allows, for example, refining sentential into equational specifications and the latter into modal ones.The authors express their gratitude to the anonymous referees who raised a number of pertinent questions entailing a more precise characterisation of the paper's contributions and a clarification of their scope. This work was funded by HRDF - European Regional Development Fund through the COMPETE Programme (operational programme for competitiveness) and by National Funds through the FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) within project FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-028923 (Nasoni) and the project PEst-C/MAT/UI4106/2011 with COMPETE number FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-022690 (CIDMA-UA). The first author also acknowledges the financial assistance by the projects GetFun, reference FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IRSES, and NOCIONES IDE COMPLETUD, reference FFI2009-09345 (MICINN - Spain). A. Madeira was supported by the FCT within the project NORTE-01-0124-FEDER-000060

    Comparison of subset systems

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    Observational interpretation of CASL specifications

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